The Free Speech Coalition has announced it will host a special FSC INSPIRE session focused on tax preparation for adult workers this Thursday, April 8 at 11am PST. The session, hosted by FSC Industry Relations Advocate Lotus Lain, will feature tax preparer Lauren Fumagalli, a veteran performer and IRS Enrolled Agent with 16 years of tax experience, bookkeeper Jessie Hornby (Nerds4Numbers) and AILAA-founder Mary Moody. Source:
If there ever was a period in history that needed champions to fight for Freedom of Speech it’s today. Fortunately, we’ve got the porn industry’s Free Speech Collation to wage this holy war for us. But their first priority is to teach porn performers how to manage their money. Nevermind that Fartbook, Twatter and Poogle are dictating what the world can and can not read; porn sluts need their tax return money to pay for their Amazonian purchases. In FSC’s defense, they’re most likely overworked and understaffed, so I’ve decided to step up to the plate and offer a free money management lesson.
Now, I never point out a problem unless I have an idea for a solution and the problem, as I see it, with porno chicks is that they can’t visualize normal math. So let’s walk through a simple calculation.
Let’s say you want to buy a pink Victorian Secret butt thong at $20 and 2 clitoral stimulating vibrators at $40 and the government wants to fuck you in the ass and bill you $50. How much will this cost you?
- A) 1 Blowjob scene with an average pornographer
- B) 3 Blowjobs scenes with an asshole that thinks he’s a pornographer
- C) Fuck It! Just post an escort ad, pay the government and then only accept cash now
- D) Login to LonelyFans and work for a month
- E) All of the above! Embrace the dark side of capitalism and get all the money you can

See how easy that was? It’s all in the language and how you present the problem. Getting porn performers to manage their money is as easy as getting them to think in terms of sex acts. ie. Get fucked in the ass 3 times and you can have a $3k car. Getting them to pay their taxes is equally easy, “The government is your pimp. Give him your money or he’ll take your shit and kick you to the curb like a common street whore.”